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Chamaerops Humilis

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This small, multi-stemmed, palm is the only one native to Europe. The curved, short trunks and gray-green, fan-shaped leaves, make a stunning sculptural element in a garden or patio containers. Leaf color on individual plants ranges from light green through silver. Although growth rate is slow, it is well worth the wait. By removing suckers from the base of the main trunk, this slightly salt-tolerant palm may also be trained as a single-trunked palm.Since the leaf stalks are spiny, Fan Palm may also be used as a barrier.It makes a nice accent plant in a shrub border or in a low-growing groundcover. Growing best in moist rich soil, it is drought- and wind-resistant, and thrives in full sun or light shade. Plants grow very slowly in the shade.No pruning needed and not suceptible to pests and diseases.

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